Monday, March 8, 2010


Last week a gently used, highly recommended parenting book was ordered off the internet.

It arrived on Saturday.

Sunday night, Matt suggests we read it.

I retrieve it from the kitchen and flip it open while walking towards the bedroom.

Two tickets pop out from between the pages.

The tickets are for a very special event and are hard to get.

"Hmm," I think. "Someone must have used their old tickets as a bookmark."

I check the date.

November something.

I look at the ticket again and find another date: June 2010.

"Oh no," I think. "Someone left these tickets in this book when they sold it. Shoot, now I need to contact the online bookseller and find out if they know who sold them this book and try to return these tickets to their owner...But I would really like to go to this event...Well, the right thing to do is to try to return these tickets...But it would be so fun."

"Um, Matt."


"Someone left tickets in this used book I bought online."

"Tickets for what?"

"A very cool event."

"Are they expired?"


"Cool, then we get to go."

"But we need to..."

Long pause and deep thought.

"Oh!" I exclaim. "You bought these for me for my birthday. How did you get these? You are so awesome. Thanks honey!"


Anonymous said...

Have fun!

Kelsey said...

So where are you going?? :)