About a year and a half ago I started reading blogs. I have a few that I keep up with almost daily and think that it can be a way to journal about your life. I would like for this to be something my family can look back on in the years to come and see what life was like for us at various points in time. So I am Excited to start this blog and also Nervous because I have never been a very good writer and having my writings read by others is something that I have always disliked.
Just to get things started I will give you a brief recap of today. Matt left for work around 7:30am. The kids and I lounged around most of the morning. Claire went down for a nap around noon and Joey and I went outside to dig in the dirt (real fun). We found a few worms as we were digging in the damp earth and decided to keep them in a plastic container. Towards the end of our digging we found a giant earthworm. It is about 6in long and 1/4in thick. Joey likes to watch the worms wriggle when he touches them. It is currently in the plastic container, along with the other half a dozen worms we found today, on the porch. After nap time we took advantage of the 50 degree weather and went to the Northgate Park. Two firsts occurred there today. Number 1: Joey pumped for real on the big kid swings. Number 2: Claire had to bring a dolly with her to the playground. Both were pretty cute. Joey also asked if we could go to U Biwage (U Village) tonight. He loves to go in the toy store, play on the little playground and eat at World Wrapps. We do that semi-regularly in the winter months because the playground is under-cover and lit so that makes it a good place to go on dark and rainy winter afternoons. I was sick of World Wrapps so I made them eat at Pallino's instead. Yum! I loved eating there after my OB appointments when I was pregnant.
Well, I guess that's enough for my first post. Hope it wasn't too boring. But I guess I should also add some photos because that makes blogs so much more fun.

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