Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Fun Weekend

This weekend was really fun for us. Friday night Matt and I had a date night. Matt's sister Karen came over to watch the kids for us. Thanks Aunt KC! First, Matt and I went out to dinner. Then we went to SCC to watch Stephen's music concert. He played the piano in some jazz songs and he played the keyboard and danced in a group called Funk and Groove. It was neat to see him perform. After that, we had the brilliant idea of going to see the Sherlock Holmes movie. We both ended up dozing towards the end because of fatigue, not boredom. Matt says he knows what happened but I have no idea. It was good to be out together, though.

On Saturday night we had family (some of Stan's kids) over for the evening. We had dinner and then had a little concert of our own.

Today we made the trek up to Bellingham to visit our good friends. They have 5 boys ranging in age from 8yrs to 4mo. Despite the fact that the 4mo old was the only one to nap, we had a good time. Here is a picture of everyone decorating/eating some cookies.
Claire and their 2yr old, Sean, discovered each other this trip. They copied each other's silly faces, actions and words at the dinner table and then played together a little afterwards. At one point, I caught Sean showing Claire his room. While pointing excitedly at his new big boy bed he said, "Look. Mine. Sleep." Then he pointed in another direction and said, "Window." Claire countered with, "Curtains." After that I got out the camera and this is what I captured on video. They didn't know that I was making a video so they are saying "CHEESE" for the camera.

We had a nice weekend

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