Well, she wasn't so cute in the car on the way home from Snoqualmie Pass yesterday. We were headed down the mountain right at nap time. She had her pacifier (they are called ya-ya's in our house), her special little blankie and was toasty warm in a moving vehicle. It seemed like the perfect recipe for a nice nap. About 15min into the trip she, somehow, dropped/threw her ya-ya and cried for it. We couldn't reach it while driving on I-90 so I waited a few minutes and then pulled a spare out of the diaper bag. When I handed it to her I told her not to drop or throw it again because, if she did, we weren't going to be able to get it. A few minutes later she threw that ya-ya during a fit. We couldn't reach it and told her we were sorry but she shouldn't have thrown it. She proceeded to scream for it all the way from Issaquah to our house. At some point during those 30 minutes, I decided she was done with ya-ya's. She has cried for them in the car in the past for the same reasons but the ride wasn't as long so it didn't seem so bad. When we got home I tried to lay her in her bed because, by this time, she was about 2hrs past due for a nap. She cried for a long time and when I went down to comfort her she said she was hungry so I decided she wasn't going to nap that day and brought her up for a snack. We had an errand to run in Bothell so I put her in the car again and we stopped at Snapdoodle Toys. I wanted to get her something she could cuddle in her bed when she was missing her ya-ya. We found a "big girl dolly" (her first Groovy Girl) that she liked. *Don't tell Claire, but it was in the 50% off section.* I happened to tell the lady what was going on as I was purchasing the doll while Claire was playing at the train table. She said another boy had "bought" a big boy toy with his pacifiers. I thought this sounded like a good idea and asked Claire if she wanted to do it. She said yes so we went to the car and got all the ya-ya's I had in the car. We passed them off to the lady and she gave Claire her doll. Claire seemed very pleased with herself all afternoon and evening until bedtime. By then, of course, she was missing her pacifier. I gently explained to her that she was a big girl now and that she had her big girl dolly instead. Upon hearing this she threw her dolly to the ground and cried for a ya-ya. She got some extra cuddles at bedtime last night and fell asleep after only 15min and needed attention only once last night. Nap time wasn't too bad today either but it took 1.5 hrs to get her to sleep tonight.
She is trying to be a big girl now but it is a hard process for both her and Mom. Hopefully, she will not start sucking her thumb or biting her nails.
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