Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bellingham Friends

We have gotten a chance to spend some time with our friends in Bellingham twice recently. The kids always have a blast together playing outside, feeding the chickens, running around downstairs, and sometimes we take them places. Only the tiniest nap and everyone gets dirty. It is super fun and my kids always want to go back. Now that many of the kids are older and more independent and we only have one "baby" between us, the moms actually get to chat a bit. During our visit in May, I was trying to take a picture of Claire and Ari on the couch but this little guy kept getting in the way.

See? He is kind of a ham.

So, I finally got a good picture.

I think she might be a baby-lover like her mom and grandmas.

For this June visit, we ended up at a local spray park.

Ari chilled in the backpack.

And here's the group, all 7 of them.

It is nice to have good friends.

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