Wednesday, June 2, 2010


We went for a walk in the rain today. We were supposed to have a big storm but Seattle didn't seem to get too much of it. It rained a bit in the morning and then stopped. When I decided to take the kids out for a walk it wasn't raining. By the time we got outside it was sprinkling. When we got to the store I was a bit worried because I could see dark rain clouds to the South. After we were done shopping it was raining quite a bit but still not enough to be uncomfortable. Part of our walk was undercover. To make this even more interesting, Joey was pushing a cool new toy truck that he got for his birthday with a handle ( and Claire was pushing her stroller. They pushed their toys all the way to and from the store. They thought it was fun to walk in the rain. Joey got a wallet with a chain for his birthday. It had a few dollars in it. He wanted a sparkling juice beverage at the store that I told him I wasn't going to buy so he bought it with him own money. That was his first purchase.

When I go get Claire out of bed each morning she tells me, "I am done with my nigh-nigh time now."
I overheard her on the monitor the other day. She was "reading" to her dolls and said, "C is for cat. D is for dog. D is for walrus."

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