First some cute pics.
I love listening to my kids talk and sing and the mispronunciations of preschoolers are so cute. Here are some of my favorites. I will spell them in a way that I think you can figure out the pronunciation.
Joey: Bye-dim
Claire: Bye-di-di (those are short i sounds)
Both: Kah-kut
Claire: Mant
Claire's Songs and Verses
Running Over:
Nunning ovah, nunning ovah
My pup-a-fuw an nunning ovah,
Since da Yord saved me
I'm a happy as can be,
My pup-a-fuw and nunning ovah.
Twinkle, Twinkle:
Dinkle, dinkle, yittle daw
How I wonder what you ow
Up a-fuh-vah world so high
Yike a diamond in da sky
Dinkle, dinkle, yittle daw
How I wonder what you ow.
John 3:16
Fo God so yoved da world
dat He gave his own-yee begotten son
dat who so evoh be-weeves on him
wiw not poo-iss but have evoh wah-sting wife.
And in other news, the clam digging video is up on youtube. Search for JRPC.
1 comment:
ADORABLE pictures! And 'twinkle twinkle' is Sean's favorite song these days too, he makes me sing it to him before he goes to sleep at night!
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