Sunday, May 2, 2010

Clam Digging

Joey and Daddy went clam digging today. They left the house at 5am with a car full of toys and food (loaded by a cool mom) and stopped in Edmonds to pick up Dr. Rob. They then drove to Westport to dig. Apparently, they got their limit rather quickly and had lots of fun doing it. Matt would have to give more details. Joey slept a bit on the way home. When they were getting close Joey said he missed Mommy and wanted to get dropped off at the house until he learned that he would be left out of the clam cleaning process. So, he decided to go on to Dr. Rob's house to clean them (Because they certainly weren't doing it at my house, especially when we had company for dinner. Gross!). I hear Joey was an angel all day. He loved being out with the guys.

Joey and Daddy

Dr. Rob

They even got in a little kite flying.

There is a really cute video of them actually getting a clam but I have been trying to upload it to this post for 2 days with no luck. Maybe I'll put it on YouTube or something. I'll let you know.

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