Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Mode of Transportation

Last week I got studded tires put on the Mazda (just in time!). M has been driving it to work this week so we have been without a vehicle that is suitable for the snowy/icy roads. We needed to run some errands today so we opted for this super-cool mode of transportation. The kids loved it. We walked/rode to Bartells and the library and stopped at Panda Express for lunch. It was pretty fun.
In order to get C to smile for the above photo, I had to ask them to do grumpy faces first and then I got the smiley picture. Here's the grumpy one for your viewing pleasure.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Weird Weather

Back on November 4th we spent four hours at Golden Gardens doing this,



and this, because it was 74 degrees outside.

A measly 18 days later we spent the day playing in the snow. It is currently 23 degrees.
We walked to school this morning. If you know J at all you would be proud to see that this year he is willing to wear boots, mittens, snow pants and a hood. C was very grumpy as she had woken up late and was still half asleep and a bit unsure about this snow stuff because this is the first snow she remembers.

J wanted C to throw snow at him and she was happy to oblige.

J was super excited about all the snow and had to eat some, of course. Later, his dad asked him what it tasted like. His answer? Water.

He finally convinced C to try some, too. She thought it was too cold.

We also warmed up a bit at the gym today.

It was a fun day.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This Boy...

...this super cute boy...has a renewed interest in photography.

He has been using my camera to take pictures of various things like this plate of asparagus,

the new fish tank,

the neighbor boy,
his favorite Wii game,

underneath the couch (took me a long time to figure out what I was looking at here),

and himself.

We love him to pieces.

This Girl...

...this silly girl...gave up naps this past week. It is actually going quite well even though she seems a bit young.

Recently, she got her very first hair cut,
complete with sparkles.

We love this crazy girl.