We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful family. Our kids are loved by so many grandparents and great-grandparents. Let me introduce you to them.
*Oops. I need to insert some thoughts here. This post has taken me two weeks to create and three weeks to mill around in my head. I am so thankful that these wonderful people are in our lives and it is hard to put that into words with as much appreciation as I'd like. This post won't do them justice but I will try.*

This is Grandma Nelson. She has done so much for us over the past 4 years. She provided meals and moral support and went grocery shopping for me when I was pregnant with Joey. She spent the night at my house the first night I was home with Joey without Matt. She rescued me many times in different ways in those first few months of motherhood and quite a bit since. When I went back to work 9 weeks after Joey was born, she watched him one day per week. After Claire was born, she started watching both of them on my work day. The kids like going to her house to play with all of my brothers' old toys, raid her sugar cereal pantry and get lots of cuddles. I feel that my relationship with my mom has strengthened since having kids. I guess that is because I realized all that she went through with me and how much she loves me. This is a picture of Joey and Grandma trying out Joey's new rocking horse that she gave him for Christmas in 2007.

This is Papa Nelson. He is great at soothing fussy babies. When they were little he would hold them and bounce them in front of the bird paintings that hang in their dining room while making the birds' calls. Last year he spent a lot of time helping Joey jump on the giant trampoline. Another game that they like to play is "lights". Joey sits on the bed downstairs and Papa gives him flashlights one at a time. Joey turns them on and off. I think they chase each other's lights on the ceiling, too. This is a picture of Joey and Papa at the
Bothell 4
th of July Parade in 2007.

Here is Papa
Fitzer. The kids like his beard. They touch it and he makes funny noises and they giggle. We have met for visits at the zoo, the Science Center, the Rain Forest Cafe and many other fun places and sometimes he just comes to our house to hang out. We have even been on two road trips together to visit my aunt and uncle in Vancouver, WA. They love riding in his truck because it has a DVD player. This is a picture of Papa giving Claire a ride on his 4-wheeler at the ranch in Elbe. Joey got a ride, too. They both loved it.

Meet Papa
Seely. He is the kids' great-grandpa. He loves to snuggle newborns. We like it when he comes by and surprises us with a quick visit when he is in the neighborhood. Papa likes to tickle the kids and play hide-and-seek. He is very helpful when we have yard projects and gives us good financial advice. Today, when we were at his house, he took Joey for a walk around the neighborhood and to the mini-farm across the street.
Ok now, how many great-grandmas do you know who can/will climb into a cube with their great-grandsons? Well, Great-Grandma
Seely can and does. She comes to our house once a week to play with the kids and help me with household chores. They love playing and working with her. They will help her pick up
pine cones or apples out of our yard, rake, sweep, fold clothes or just about anything else for hours. Before Joey could talk well, he would call her Mama
Ess, or even just
Ess. When he was around 2 yrs old, he started to cry when she would leave on her visiting day. We found that if he got a "bye-bye treat" that would help
alleviate the sadness so she started bringing treats every week. What started out as one bye-bye treat for Joey has turned into a need for her to bring four treats, one hello AND bye-bye treat for each kid. Both of them look forward to her visits and like going to her house as well.

Switching to Matt's side of the family, let me show you Great-Grandma
Swenson. There are many unique things that the kids like about visiting her. One of the first things they have to do when they go to Papa and Grandma
Crouthamel's house (she lives in their downstairs) is to go to Grandma
Swenson's apartment and check to see if she refilled their treat containers (which, of course, she always has). The containers and treats vary by the season and the kids are always excited to see what they will get. She also has dogs. They love to visit the dogs, sit in the dog beds, walk the dogs and play the Mess Game with the dog toys. Another fun thing about her apartment is her gas fireplace. Joey likes to get permission to click it on and then they both sit on the hearth and warm their backs. Grandma
Swenson often watches one kid to give the upstairs grandparents a break. Claire, especially, likes to hang out with her and gives her lots of hugs.

Here we are with Papa Carl (
Crouthamel) at the Museum of Flight. He lives in California so we don't get to see his wife, Jeanne, and him too often. When they do come up for a visit, Jeanne brings the kids neat toys or blankets (some of which she has made herself), and Papa Carl likes to find out what the kids have been learning and see how they are growing.

Now we come to Pete-Mete. Before Joey was talking well he couldn't say Papa and Grandma
Crouthamel and one day it came out Pete-Mete so that's what we call them now. Papa is Pete. He is also called Papa
Crout sometimes. The kids love to be silly with Papa. He can often be found covered in stickers or My Little Ponies. He has begun taking them to the garage to help him with wood-working projects (see above) which they love. A couple of weeks ago he took both kids to a park near their house all by himself. This is no small feat. It is quite a distance away. It wasn't necessarily "a walk in the park" (pun intended) but he did it and I was very impressed.

Mete, Grandma
Crout, is also a huge blessing to us. She has done a lot of babysitting for us over the years including two 48+hr getaways and has been watching the kids on my work day in 2010. She often lets us crash her house on the weekends when we just need something to do. She took the kids for me when I got the swine flu and cleaned my house when I was in the hospital after Claire was born (and at other less needy times). Mete does fun things with the kids like take them to McDonald's or grocery shopping, creative art projects, baking, etc. I feel so fortunate to have the wonderful in-laws that I do. We all get a long so well.
So now you know our kids' Grandparents and Great-Grandparents. Aren't they great? We sure think so.