Monday, February 22, 2010
All About Claire
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Recently Heard in the Car
Me: Right, Joey. At your next birthday you will be four.
Joey: And at Claire's next birthday she will be two.
Me: Right.
Joey: Mama, how old are you?
Me: Thirty-one.
Claire: Forty-one! Forty-one!
Me: No, not forty-one. THIRTY-one.
Claire: Forty-one! Forty-one!
Joey: And at my birthday after that I will be Eight-Fivety-Four.

Monday, February 15, 2010
Late Valentine Post
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Sleepless Nights
On Monday night Joey and I played a grueling game of musical beds. The way we play is that when Joey wakes up, he roams around the house until he finds where I am sleeping and comes to join me. Once I think he is asleep I move to another bed to avoid being kicked for the rest of the night. Monday night was particularly bad. I lost. Every 1-2 hrs I was traveling from my bed to the couch to Joey's lower bunk and back to my bed again all night long.
On Tuesday night Claire was up quite a bit because she was sick.
I was prepared for last night to be pretty bad because I knew how sick Claire was and that she hadn't been able to nap because her nose was too stuffy. Here's how it went down:
6:45 Claire asleep.
6:55 Joey asleep.
Sounds like a good start, right?
7:30 Claire crying. I comfort her.
7:55 Claire fussing. Ignore.
8:05 Claire fussing. Ignore.
8:12 Claire fussing. Ignore.
8:45 Claire crying. Give her to Matt. They watch TV and she dozes with him in the recliner.
10:00 Claire back to bed and I go to bed myself.
11:30 Claire crying. Give her Motrin and settle in the recliner so she can sleep more upright and not be so stuffy. Take tent blanket off crib to use as covers.
1:30 After two fitful hours of "sleep" I put her back to bed. I lay down on couch downstairs because I know she will be up again soon. Use tent blanket for covers.
2:00 Claire wakes up yelling, "Need Claire's tent on my bed!" Replace the blanket tent and rub her back until she falls asleep. Retrieve king-size fitted bed sheet from (clean) laundry basket to use as covers since accessing all other blankets would probably awaken other family members.
6:53 Hear Joey's voice upstairs. Look at clock. Look at clock again in disbelief that I slept for 4hrs and 53min straight. Get up and get ready for work.
At some point in the night, Joey had happily crawled in bed with Daddy and asked for a back rub. How cute.
So there you have it folks. A few somewhat sleepless nights. I was so thankful for that stretch this morning. It helped me not to fall asleep at work today (well, that and the cup of coffee I had).
I was inspired to do this post by some old friends of ours the Strovases (how do you pluralize Strovas?) and their blog post about a far worse sleepless night that they had a while back. You can read it here:
And also after chatting online with our friends from Bellingham about a night they had this week, too. It involved a 4mo old waking up 4 times, a 2 yr old up 5 or 6 times, a 4yr old who wet the bed and an almost 6yr old who had a nightmare. Yikes. I've got it easy.
Now someday, when our kids are grown, we will look back on these nights and miss them, right? OK, maybe not miss them but at least we can laugh about them. My challenge to you is to write about your worst night of sleep in the comment section or on your own blog. Maybe we can all have a good laugh ... when we get done yawning.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Musical Beds
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
I'm Gonna Cry For You
Other things I have heard while listening to her over the baby monitor:
Mommy, I need you.
I want to cuddle Daddy.
I need a pretty bow in my hair.
I am all done with my nappy-time.
I get an owie.
Often times she also wakes up happy and can be heard singing one of the many songs she knows.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Mess Game and other stuff
Joey and Claire made up a game that they call the Mess Game. It involves one person (usually Joey) sitting on a couch or bed and the other person bringing them every toy they can find. While it does make a big mess, it usually keeps them occupied for at least 30min so I gladly let them play. We are working on clean up afterwards. Tonight, while I was doing dishes after dinner, they started playing. I decided to take a little video so you could see the game in action. Claire's behind-the-back wave was cracking me up. Tonight was the first time I've ever seen her do that. Also, if you listen carefully you can hear Joey say, "Thanks, honey."
Other Stuff
Claire is all done missing her ya-ya and all four of her eye teeth are in now.
Joey has been sleeping on the couch (and in our bed) for the last month because he is scared in his room. This weekend I plan to go shopping for a bunk or loft bed set up and maybe put Claire in his room with him. Joey currently has a small toddler bed so maybe a bigger boy twin bunk/loft bed will be cool enough to sleep in? Any other ideas from those of you who have gone through this scary phase with your kids?
Two of our three new aquatic friends are doing great. Unfortunately, Car bit the dust. I replaced him yesterday while Joey was at school and no one is none the wiser. Hopefully, Car2 will live a little longer.
We are in the WHY? stage. Both of them hit it at the same time. Joey likes to ask why over and over again. Claire usually says, "Ooooohhh...why?"